Monday, May 21, 2012

Paperless Office Software – Protect Your Business Intelligence

In this day and age where the advancements of technology continue to grow, more and more businesses are opting to go digital. Gone are the days of drowning in massive amounts of paper; this time, organizing documents and data are as easy as a few clicks on the computer. This method, commonly known as a paperless office, is becoming widely accepted in companies all over the world, as going paperless reaps more benefits than an office sticking with traditional methods. Especially when unwanted occurrences, such as disasters, strike, having dependable paperless office software can help greatly in recovering lost information.

Imagine worst case scenarios, such as floods or earthquakes, where buildings and other infrastructures would be greatly damaged. While companies always have a disaster recovery plan, it still cannot offer a hundred percent guarantee in recovering all its lost information. Especially in a conventional setup where paper is used to save all documents, businesses will have a difficult time gathering their data if it is damaged from natural disasters. Paper is fragile and easy to destroy, so losses would be greater if digital copies were not made to backup the information. Investing in paperless office software would decrease the losses if ever disaster strikes. Disaster recovery is a key option which comes with the software so businesses can protect their information easily. It would aid companies in devising faster ways to resume normal operation.

Since companies store large amounts of information, and if this information is digitalized, the first and most important step is to have a backup for all these data. This may include having backups on computers or systems found inside the company building or others that are located elsewhere. This way, if a computer is damaged, the information stored on it may be placed in other systems, and companies may address the needs of both employees and customers immediately after the disaster.

Businesses may also employ other security measures to ensure the safety of their data. Tools like surge protectors are needed so computers and electronic equipment will not be damaged by power surges. Generators or Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) devices can also be used so systems are able to continue working even if there is no power available. Most importantly, anti-virus applications, firewalls and other related software may be used to increase data security.

To ensure that the best data recovery option is given to businesses once they have managed to become a paperless office, they may consider buying Vircosoft software. It is currently the best and cheapest document management software in the market. In addition, both of their products, HighPoint and KnowledgeTree, have the most advanced document recovery tools so companies are assured that their data is always safe even when faced with disaster. So to be sure that a company?s paperless software does not fail, they should trust Vircosoft.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

C-Store Office is the ideal back office software for Wayne Nucleus Users

Dresser-Wayne, the maker of the Wayne Nucleus point-of-sales system has certified the C-Store Office back office system from Petrosoft as compliant with the Nucleus -Black Pipe- PCI software. Wayne Nucleus POS users can maintain tight control over their businesses, increase security of their sales data and improve their bottom line by integrating with an endorsed back office package such as C-Store Office.

-Over the last decade, we have interfaced with hundreds of Wayne Nucleus systems in our clients’ locations,- said Sergei Gorlov, CEO of Petrosoft. -We are proud to be certified as PCI-compliant on the Wayne Nucleus POS and will continue to serve Wayne customers with C-Store Office to help them get more control over their businesses.-

C-Store Office delivers complete support to the Wayne Nucleus POS platform and provides more than 150 detailed reports on all aspects of C-Store operation for Nucleus users. Up-to-date financial information, closing fuel and store inventory, personnel data, lottery inventory and daily fuel and store sales data are pulled from the Wayne Nucleus system right into the customer’s own private web site at the C-Store Office portal. There, the customer always has a complete, updated -snapshot- of the operations on each shift right at their fingertips. And synchronization with the Wayne Nucleus platform is two-way as well. After the user approves a post-shift price exception report, C-Store Office refreshes the price book in the Nucleus register so that cashiers are scanning at the correct prices within minutes of the shift close. Another great example of the critically useful data C-Store Office reports to Wayne Nucleus users is the Fuel Margins Consolidated report. This vital report shows the current pool margin on gasoline sales, and pool margins on other fuel products C-Store Office users may carry, such as diesel and kerosene. The data is organized by date and shows gallons sold, margin and profit. Figures are displayed in a table and also in a series of graphic charts that show gallons sold of each type of fuel product and margins by day. The default display shows Wayne Nucleus POS users the pool margin data or the month to date, but like most C-Store Office reports, the Fuel Margins Consolidated report has a date selection feature that allows the user to view margins for any data range desired. The margins shown in the report are true inventory to retail margins on what is in the ground, not rack price to retail, so the user can always determine the true margin on fuel on hand. On the store side, Wayne Nucleus users can see item level sales data on inventory scanned out at the Wayne Nucleus register. This helps to form the basis for accurate automatic ordering that can save store owners hours a day on ordering and reduce inventory levels as much as 50%! The system also creates a detailed shift report that accounts for all store and fuel transaction on each shift.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Choosing Home Office Software

There is not a single home office anywhere that would survive without software. With all the choices for applications available nowadays, how can you choose which one is right for you? It’s all a matter of determining what you need as opposed to what you just want. This is usually the biggest hurdle for most people.

The needs can be compared to wants with this example. A person can say that his dream ride would be some type of mean machine – a sports car or a big bike perhaps? This is what he WANTS. Then give that person a reality check – and ask him what he really NEEDS. Everything else falls into place if he takes into account his family, his children and his business needs. Most likely he will change his answer to a bigger and safer type of vehicle, like a trusty SUV.

You can apply the same principle to choosing your home office software. Sure, everyone wants the most up to date version of Microsoft Office, but there’s nothing wrong with opting for one of the new Open Source office packages or just the basic Microsoft Works; as long as the software can handle the demands of your business, then the simplest kind would be more than fine.

You might want to consider Microsoft’s most basic Office product, Microsoft Works. It has a database product, a Spreadsheet and the might of a Word processor. It has both a Suite and a standalone version, and has about 90% of what most offices need.

For more powerful features, you can check out Microsoft Office, which has dominated the market in a matter of years. It has Excel, Word, Access, Outlook, Publisher, Frontpage and Powerpoint. This is the total package, but honestly speaking most businesses use just half of the features in their daily operations.

Open Office is a fairly new technology in the world of free office software. Some of the components of its suite are the Calc (spreadsheet), Writer (word processor), Draw and Impress (for presentations). Open Office still does not have the calibre of Word, as it is still in the process of being continuously updated. The great thing about it is that it’s free of charge – that’s a wonderful package in my opinion.

Most people want to have the freedom of dabbling with their computer’s Photoshop and Paintshop applications, as well as others that deal with graphics. Although this will “soup up” your computer, they are features that are more than a standard home office needs. Something more basic, like GIMP would work just as well without sacrificing the need to tinker with graphics applications. Choosing the right home office small and small business software can be a pain in the behind when you don’t know where to start. We can help you. Click on over to for help in making your choices.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Tips For Selecting Your Home Office Software

There is nothing worse than that sinking feeling in your stomach as you realize that everything you have been working on for the last month is gone! It has happened to many home business owners – maybe even you. You bootup your computer one day and you realize that your computer has been hit by a virus and all your data has been wiped out! Because a lot of your home business operations are likely to be conducted and stored on your computer, setting yourself up with the proper office computer software, including virus protection is essential.

Of course before you start choosing software for your home office computer you will need to asses exactly what you need. You will need to select software customized to what you do. For example, if you are entering data reports, you will need to install spreadsheet software. Likewise, if you are writing for a living, you will need a solid word-processing software program. Photographers will require photo editing software, while a book-keeper will not.

Beside the specialized programs there will be a few other software programs that every home business should have. You will need a way to keep track of your expenses, invoices and all of the money in your business. There are a number of really good finance software programs on the market that will help you do this. Quickbooks and Quicken offer a few options depending on the size of your business and whether or not you have employees and inventory to track as well. You will also require tax preparation software; however this needs to be purchased every year. Although if you have a separate accountant or book-keeper, you will not need this.

You will also want a word-processing program that will handle basic letters, label printing, estimates and other daily business needs. There are a number of choices here. You could try the Microsoft Works package which has an integrated word-processor. If that doesn’t quite meet your needs then Microsoft Word offers all the features that you could ever need. If your budget is really tight then make sure and check out the Open Office software package – it’s totally free and gives you a complete home office suite of programs.

Of course if you are using the Internet, you will need an Internet browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape in order to access the internet. Firefox is an especially good web browser and doesn’t suffer from nearly as many “issues” as Internet Explorer. Some of these programs also come with an email program to keep your email filed properly and allow you to compose new messages as you need to.

Of course, the most important software that you will get for your computer is virus protection software that will keep your computer safe. A firewall is also a good idea to protect your investment. Be sure to set up a backup system for your computer as well. By backing up your work, every day, once a week or at least once a month, it will not be quite such a disaster if your computer suffers a virus as you’ll be able to get all your info back and continue working.

There is a wide variety of computer software available on the market today and you may need to look around for the programs that are going to work the best for you. Remember to keep to the basics however and do not overload your computer with a bunch of programs that you will not use.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Reasons to Automate Your Office Software

Many of us are familiar with the concept of recording a macro in Word or Excel to eliminate repetitive tasks – This is office automation in its simplest form.

Macros are just the tip of the iceberg. Automation in the office place can go much further, saving you time, money and a lot of effort in all areas of your business.

Office automation can run multiple programs and processes all at the press of a button or at timed intervals during the day. Each program or process can be run in sequence or the automation can change the order they are run in when set criteria are met.

So why should you invest in office automation?

Save Your Business Time & Money

In these economically hard times, it is more important than ever to save time and money. Office automation can either totally eliminate the time taken for tasks or reduce them to a click of a single button, saving you time and money.

If you have a daily task that takes just 1 hour a day to complete, this will mean you spend 5 hours a week doing the same thing over and over again. Over a year that comes to an amazing 260 hours a year or 32 working days! Now imagine a task that takes 2, 3 or even 8 hours a day. How many man hours could you save by eliminating these tasks?

Office automation can either complete a task or a series of tasks at the click of a button or at set times of the day.

Eliminate Errors From Your Data

The more steps in a process handled by humans, the more chance there is of human errors creeping in to your data. By automating these tasks, you eliminate this risk from all of your tasks.

Not only will automated software repeat these tasks in exactly the same way time after time without variation, it will also eliminate the need to enter the same data in to multiple packages. Automated software will allow you to enter your data in to just one place and it will then automatically enter the data in to your other programs. Further eliminating the risk of human errors.

Prevent Process Creep

Process creep is when one of your processes changes from your documented processes over a period of time. Staff will often make undocumented “tweaks” and changes to your processes to make their lives easier or in reaction to problems they face.

No matter how well intentioned these “tweaks” are, the people making them often don’t take the big picture in to account or the knock on affects they will have on other processes further down the line.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Rumor: Microsoft has begun testing Window Phone 8 internally

Microsoft is going to release two major pieces of software this year: Windows 8, the desktop and tablet operating system; and Windows Phone 8, codenamed Apollo, their smartphone operating system. We’re eager to find out what’s new in Apollo, because Tango, today’s version of Windows Phone, just doesn’t cut it for us. We’re not alone in saying that either. Joshua Topolsky, Editor in Chief of The Verge, said this is his Lumia 900 review: “Try as I might to envision the Lumia 900 as my daily driver, the math never added up. There’s just too much missing, or too much that feels unfulfilling.” Walt Mossberg, from AllThingsD, echoed the same thoughts about the device: “The phone had just too many drawbacks in my tests to best its chief competitors.” But enough Tango bashing, let’s talk about today’s news. According to WPCentral, Microsoft started testing Windows Phone 8 internally on March 30th.

If testing only just started two weeks ago, and it normally takes three to six months to make sure everything is running right, then that would mean the software would be finalized anytime between July and September. For as long as we can remember, the rumors we’ve been hearing about Apollo have said it’s going to hit the market in October. So everything is lining up.

Earlier this year the folks at Pocketnow scored a huge Apollo exclusive. They discovered that it’s going to support dual core processors, high resolution screens, NFC, app to app sharing, advanced security features, and more. Assuming they’re right, Apollo looks to be the first real version of Windows Phone that can take on iOS and Android. It’s a shame it only took two years to deliver, but hey, you can’t win ‘em all.

So if you’re currently thinking about buying a Windows Phone, don’t. It’s not worth it. In half a year there’s going to be products out on the market that are an order of magnitude superior. You’ll feel cheated too since we’re hearing that today’s Windows Phones will not be upgradable to Windows Phone 8.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Juniper Research: Mobile tickets to quadruple by 2016

Juniper Research: Mobile tickets to quadruple by 2016
In its new report, Juniper Research is examining the mobile ticketing business, forecasting that the number of tickets delivered to mobile phones worldwide will more than quadruple to 23 billion by 2016, compared with 4 billion tickets estimated to have been delivered last year.

The research company says that mobile ticketing solves key problems for facility operators whether in the transport or events markets, allow them [operators] to sell and deliver tickets without the need for extra staff or real estate.

The report warns, however, that mobile ticketing applications must be simple to use and win the confidence of the user both in terms of the security and reliability of the mobile ticketing service.

Some other findings from the report include:

1 in 8 mobile users in Western Europe will use their phone as a contactless metro ticket by 2016.
By 2016, NFC mobile tickets will represent more than 50% of all mobile ticketing revenue.

And you can get additional information on Juniper’s report from their website.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Starbucks has processed more than 42 million mobile payments

Starbucks has processed more than 42 million mobile payments
By now you’ve probably realized Starbucks doesn’t want to wait for the contactless payments and is already allowing its customers to pay for their coffee with nothing but their phone. Savvy coffee drinkers obviously dig what the company is doing since it has thus far processed more than 42 million mobile payments, which are available to users in the Canada, US and UK.

Under Starbucks’ scheme, customers use their phone to load money on to a digital Starbucks Card and then present a 2D barcode to pay at the register. The barcode is then scanned and money taken from a user’s account.

This success prompted Starbucks to “name” mobile payments as one of 10 core digital businesses for enhancing its relationship with customers. In fact, a few weeks ago, the company promoted Adam Brotman to the chief digital officer (CDO?) role, the first position of its kind at Starbucks, consolidating all of its digital businesses under a single digital ventures umbrella.

We’re pretty confident Brotman knows what he’s doing and that soon enough we’ll be reading (and writing) about additional mobile innovations coming from the popular coffee chain

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cartoon: File your taxes with an app

Cartoon: File your taxes with an app
Even IRS has its mobile app to help citizens pay their dues more easily. The cartoon, which is a part of CA Technologies’ Chief & Chuck series, was penned by nationally renowned cartoonist Dave Blazek.

As you can see from the image above, it doesn’t take a single tap on your behalf to use this app — Mr. IRS Man will do the job for you. Hilarious. ;)

And if you need a bigger image of the cartoon, grab it out from CA’s Flickr account.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Surveillance Software Can Help Protect Your Organization

Surveillance of some kind is essential for monitoring the productivity and attendance of your company’s employees, but it can be difficult to choose the right solutions. Surveillance systems need to be carefully considered as you need something that is both effective and fits your budget. However, it is also important to consider the morale of your company’s employees. Excessive video surveillance is often, for example, going to make most people feel uncomfortable. You should not be using any hidden form of video surveillance either, since this is illegal in most places. Fortunately, there are various alternatives, such as software surveillance. In organizations where computers are extensively used, software surveillance is often by far the best solution and it can be extremely effective at monitoring and tracking your staff. It is also unobtrusive and no one even has to know it is there.

One such utility for monitoring and tracking your employees is a program called REFOG Terminal Monitor. This highly effective and powerful solution is completely centralized, allowing company administrators to track everything from a single location. It will run on the Terminal Server meaning that it is also completely inaccessible and invisible to your employees. Once set up, the program will track all employee activities on the computer and then log them, reporting them to the administrator. This solution can greatly enhance the productivity of your staff as well as track their attendance and enhance company security by helping to prevent information leak.

Using this powerful surveillance solution, it is easier than ever to enforce the policies of your company as you can thoroughly monitor all of your employee’s computer related activities. Company administrators can use the software’s detailed logs and reports to help them make sure that everyone is using the company’s resources appropriately.

Recording every single keystroke of the connected computers as well as recording web sites visited and programs opened, REFOG Terminal Monitor also takes periodic screenshots, giving you a thoroughly detailed visual history of everything that the connected computer has been used for. You will be able to see any instant chat messages or emails sent as well, which can be extremely useful for staff training or for alerting administrators of any attempted leak of confidential corporate information. The software can send alerts to the administrator if ever an inappropriate activity takes place. You can also define specific key phases, that when typed on a connected machine, will instantly send you an alert. This feature can be extremely useful for preventing information leaks and getting straight to the source of the problem. The real time monitoring is the greatest feature of all in the software, helping to keep your company and its staff operating as smoothly as possible at all times.

A highly advanced solution, REFOG Terminal Server is an easy computer surveillance software solution to use and full instructions are included. You can find out more about the product at as well as learn more about the advantages of surveillance software for your business.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Best Autoresponder Software – What To Look For

It can be confusing when looking for the best autoresponder software. With so many different companies to choose from its hard to know which one will be right for you. However we sometimes forget what we are using the email marketing service for. Its to make more money for your business right? The real question should be then, which autoresponder is best for increasing profits in the shortest time possible?

Which is the Best Autoresponder Software for Increasing Profits?

It is actually quite straight forward if you just keep it simple. Here are the four things to look for. You can ignore all the rest. When it comes down to it you basically want a service that gets your message DELIVERED. A system that is simple to use and affordable. All the rest of the hype and lists of endless features are just noise and not important. The real secret to excellent results… I will explain a bit later.


If you could only have one thing feature this would be it. You must be careful however as even if you have the best auto responder software you can still end up in the spam box by sending the wrong kind of email. Many big companies make the mistake of trying to send beautiful looking email templates and 50% of them get sent straight to the spam box. If you are sending to a list of 1000 people this is a massive problem. You should be getting a 98%+ delivery rate.

Great Email Capture

Sending emails is pointless if you first do not have anyone to send them to. There are a couple of systems that your business should have in place. The first is a system to collect peoples names and emails when they visit your website. There are a couple of simple ways we do this. The second system is building a list of customers. This customer list is about 10x more valuable than the prospect list and you will be sending your previous customers a different kind of email.

Easy To Use

I have personally used a few different email marketing companies over the years and im surprised how difficult a few of them are to use. With one company I was even having trouble sending emails out! I personally like things that are easy and simple to use. That is why you want to use a professional email provider. Stay clear of self hosted solutions. It is not worth your wasted time. The best autoresponder software will have a very simple dashboard where you will clearly be able to see your lists and be able to send your emails with ease. This point seems quite obvious however there are overly complicated programs out there being advertised that need to be avoided.

Simple Tracking

You must be tracking every email you send out. This can literally double your conversions and profit. Example, If you send one test email to some of the people on your date base and one test email to another segment, one of them will be better. You then simply send the winner to all the rest. With this one tip you can double your conversions. This is the power of testing and tracking. When this is also displayed in pretty graphs and charts all the better. There are other equally powerful testing techniques that you can use also.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Free Tax Filing – Use Online Software To File Taxes For Free

Almost everyone hates paying taxes. The process only reduces their pay and reduces the money allotted for other matters. This is one of the main reasons why many people hate paying taxes, especially if they are not seeing where their money goes.

Paying taxes is already a huge problem for some people. Having to pay to file your taxes also becomes a huge problem.

Here are some of the methods of how to file taxes for free.

Doing your taxes by hand

These will help you when doing your taxes by hand. If possible, do your tax forms by yourself and not through the help of others. This is because some people would take advantage of your situation and ask money from helping you out in filling out your tax forms. Asking help will not help you complete your tax return for free. The cost of filing by hand is very low, with the only cost coming from the mailing of the return. It is important to choose the online software that you could use to send out your tax forms.


There are alternatives however that websites offer. One of which is by giving you a corresponding e-forms of your taxes. You could readily email these without paying anything.

Using free online software

Another way of doing your tax returns is to use different verified software. These software include H&R Block at Home that allows you to complete your tax forms online. Having to pay when filing for taxes is can be really stressful. One should know the different ways on how to file taxes for free. Knowing the different ways will not only save you money but will also give you a proper and smooth filing of taxes.

Having to pay for filing of taxes can be very demanding. No one likes to pay taxes. Just about everyone hates paying someone else to file their taxes for them. People who only earn a small amount find filing for taxes very troublesome.

This is where online software that helps one to file taxes for free comes into play. There is a lot of this software available online. Here’s some of the online software that helps you to file taxes for free.

Choose the free online software that suits your particular needs

H&R Block at Home – the most popular online software that allows you to file taxes for free is the H&R Block at Home. This software allows a person to complete his or her taxes and at the same time, provides a pdf version of the document.

This online software is very helpful especially to those who have simple tax situations. H&R Block at Home offers a basic interview process that could guide you when completing your tax forms. You could readily file taxes for free and submit an electronic copy to the government. This online software also caters to those who have rather complicated tax situations.

Intuit’s Turbo Tax – another commonly used online software that helps one to file taxes for free is Intuit’s Turbo tax. This software is similar to the H&R Block at Home because it offers a free filing of taxes and electronic file copying. However, Intuit’s Turbo tax has more advanced functions compared to H&R Block at Home.

This online software allows you to ask questions and have the answers back before you know it.

It is important to be able to file taxes for free. This is an effective way of saving a huge amount of money. There are online software that allow you to file taxes for free. It is up to you to choose the one that suits you the most…

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Network management is way easier with software inventory management tool

The other day I happened to stumble upon a debate about the vitality of network management software. Well what was just a conversation, took shape of a long thrashed debate because it was with one of my IT administrator colleague. I was obviously in favor of the statement but how could he agree to something which challenges his viability. We all know the use of software and various tools which facilitate our day to day work. On the context of admin, his plentiful works can also be easily wrapped up and efficiently managed with the use of various smart management tools. Lets bring forth this statement with the help of one such tool, the software inventory management.

Also known as, asset management software is a prolific business tool that keeps track of the software usage statistics in an organization. Now every admin professional has to also do this job. Keep a track list of software, buy license and update software, check compliance standards and generate reports. Even working diligently throughout the process, one needs to spend substantial amount of time to accomplish these tasks. Now with help of software inventory management software, one can finish off these tasks in no time. In lieu of tedious manual calculations and risk of errors, one can opt for this precise tool to have a look over the whole network in no time.

Now that is just its prime feature. If we have a look over its extended functions, one cant deny its importance in the present world where time is money. It provides complete information about which software is installed on which computer, what is the software title, when the software was installed, when the software license will expire, what is the software license type, and so on. It automatically updates you in advance about software expiries and required license to be purchased. It also provides inventory details like, Frequently Used, Occasionally Used, or Rarely Used tools. Hence forth; you save a lot of time and money by updating only required assets in advance and never land up buying extra licenses.

Another important aspect served by this tool is maintaining software security and compliance in the network. It gives you alerts and notifications if anyone in the network breaches security standards. Any new software if installed at any user end can be tracked. Prohibited sites and software if used can also be found out instantly. What more, does one needs from a single network management tool but there is more. It generates automatic reports for every function carried out which can be again backed up via mail by configuring the mail server.

Lepide software Asset Management is one such software inventory management tool that helps in controlling the organizational investment. It has elaborate report generating capabilities and keeps a close look over compliance parameters. Save reports in any of them formats; CSV, RTF, HTML or PDF. Also it is inbuilt with software audit report system letting auditors know if the organization is meeting the software license compliance.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Banjo 2.0 hits Google Play with new designed, improved notifications and search, and more

Banjo 2.0 hits Google Play with new designed, improved notifications and search, and more
Banjo, the service/app that allows you to know when your friends are near and see who’s talking about things you love, has a new Android app which will further enhance your “social superpowers.” Here’s what’s new in version 2.0:
  • Revamped UI that enables you to quickly see what your friends have shared in the last 24 hours.
  • Improved notifications that not only show when your friends are nearby, but also when you get new messages or when a friend of yours has joined Banjo.
  • Enhanced map dynamic grouping as you zoom in and out of places you are exploring.
  • New search that helps you connect to other people with similar interests more easily; ability to search across social updates in real time.
  • Sign-up with Instagram, Foursquare and Gmail – in addition to Twitter and Facebook.
So what are you waiting for? If you’re into local services, Banjo is one of those apps that will help you manage your social presence across multiple services. Grab it now and let us know what you think about it…
Banjo (FREE) [Google Play link]

Monday, May 7, 2012

SlingShot is a low-cost camera stabilizer accessory that also doubles as a smartphone stand

SlingShot is a low-cost camera stabilizer accessory that also doubles as a smartphone stand
SlingShot is one of those smartphone accessories asking for backers at It’s an interesting and pretty affordable (costs less than $20) camera stabilizer accessory that’s primarily made for the Apple iPhone but can also work with pretty much any other smartphone, including the super big Samsung Galaxy Note.
The device promises to “transform the way smartphones are used for capturing video” by helping to make the camera movement “as high quality as the image itself.” Moreover, you can use it to mount any smartphone on a standard tripod (even when it’s in a case) and, check this out – to use it as a smartphone stand to watch videos, browse the web, etc. — SlingShot’s handle hides a concealed set of legs that pop out and turn it into a table-top tripod (or a stand).
So where you can get it? Hit this link to visit SlingShot’s page at where you can secure your unit for as low as $10. As far as I can tell, you won’t regret for a second. ;)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Protect Your Company with Good Quality Financial Compliance Software

If you work in the financial services sector then you are well aware of the spot light that is now being shined on you. Thanks to a series of actions that ultimately lead to the collapse of the world economy, financial compliance software is no longer optional. Your executive team may be personally liable and certainly your company is responsible for ensuring that your books are maintained to an increasingly high standard. Unfortunately, we all know that in today’s world no organization is immune to mismanagement or financial wrongdoing.
So how can you protect yourself, your company, and those around you from becoming vulnerable to financial irregularities? One key way is to implement well designed financial compliance software. Of course, no financial compliance software will prevent someone from taking the wrong course if it’s set in from of them. But what your systems can do is alert you when there is a non compliance. You need a full featured financial compliance software system to ensure that you have the audit and compliance reviews to help you avoid trouble. This early warning system can save an organizations reputation and indeed prosperity.
For most companies it makes good sense to turn to financial compliance software that is already developed to global best practices and is accessed via the internet or intranet. A well developed web enabled system can help you avoid the costly and time consuming process of maintain the staff and resources needed to support the system. Web enabled financial compliance software runs 24/7 meaning it works when you work. Licenses for web versions typically include software upgrades for some period of time. Not only do you avoid the cost of the hardware, you can be assured that your financial compliance software stays up to date and current
The Internet provides a great place to start looking when it comes to finding a specific package for your financial needs. Most of larger more established software providers will provide you with a configured demonstration. They will also offer you support and training. This is extremely important if you expect to get your system up and running quickly. Take full advantage of this
In terms of a specific financial compliance software package you need something that is flexible and configurable in order to maximize the return on investment. . You should also be prepared to take full advantage of any training that is offered. Look for a powerful and customizable reporting engine that will help you keep an eye on your systems. The point is, there are many solutions out there. Do a little homework but don’t delay in getting your financial compliance software in good shape now.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Keyword Research Software Is Crucial

Keyword research software is crucial to making money online, regardless of the niche or marketing strategy. There are some basic elements a person must understand to accurately understand and evaluate keywords. This article focuses on analyzing competition and how a person can interpret results.
First, keyword research software is designed to provide laser-sharp accuracy for users. Software compares traffic and competition for search terms and rates the words quickly for humans. Software tools compare the traffic-to-competition ratio and evaluate it. This is the easy part that most people can learn and utilize in a short time period. There is more to it than that. A keyword may be good, but it may only work well for old websites with large budgets. It may only work for them because they have authority and back links. They are already at an advantage over an individual blogger or small business owner.
The second element of keyword research software a person must learn and understand is the difference between off page and on page. Both are major factors in search engine optimization. When looking at off page in a software program, it shows the top ten results in the search engines and their URL’s. Look at the URL’s, are they homepages, or is there content after the forward slash?
Home Page: “” or
Content: “”
In the first one, it is just a homepage, so if it has an authority of 5 and thousands of back links, it can be beat. In the second one, it will be more difficult. This is where a person needs to know how to evaluate On Page.
In keyword research software, the on page analysis includes the Title, URL, Description, and Header Tag. This is critical. If a website has a Yes, or Y, in each of those sections, it means the website is ranking for the keyword. If it is an authoritative site with thousands of back links, it will be impossible to rank for that keyword. However, looking at the Off Page section again, if the site has 0 authority and 0 back links, they can be beat.
Ciphering the difference as well as seeing the difference between off page and on page is why it is critical to have keyword research software. This may be difficult to understand, so read this again and apply it to whatever keyword research program you have. Take the time to learn and understand this, it will be the difference between one lead per week and one hundred leads per day.

Friday, May 4, 2012

A Review of Article Writing Software

Article marketing is the finest method to be successful in web marketing today. The concept is to write brief articles about matters related to the merchandise that you are promoting. The articles should not directly be sales pieces but instead be informational items which are useful to readers. Nevertheless, within these articles you place links to the merchandise that you are promoting. One then submits these articles to article websites who host the articles and web engines like Google find the articles and the hyperlinks contained in them and they get included within the search websites. Furthermore, other web sites come to those article websites for content material for their webpages. As a way to use such content material these websites must maintain the hyperlinks included. This offers your hyperlinks even more locations to be found by search engines in addition to various readers of these websites. All of this will get your links on the market in many ways.
There are some complications with this method of marketing. The central one being time. It takes lot of time to jot down articles and get them submitted to the varied article sites. So of course other internet entrepreneurs have seemed to resolve this difficulty by creating software programs that will help you write these articles. Article writing software program work by utilizing the keyword phrases you may have provided to find net content associated to the phrases you used. It then creates paragraphs on your subject; you then select those you want to use. You can then re-work this content material into your individual article. In the event you plan to purchase article writing software program, you must search for ones that enable you to to create content on any subject from scratch and then gives instruments to help you rewrite the content material into you own unique articles. Let me give you some analysis of article writing software packages on the market.
Let’s first flip to Quick Article Pro from Quick Article Software. You could find this reasonably priced software program at Quick Article Software program is a strong vendor, so no problems recommending Quick Article Pro or any of their products. It is a good program and you should utilize it without spending a whole day studying it. It will allow you to write articles much easier and faster. Quick Article Pro scans the internet for related content material based on your key phrases and returns a list of gathered content material in the form of topics and sentences. The Quick Article Pro software is good for generating ideas for articles. Nonetheless, the duty of creating and enhancing the article remains yours. So you better look elsewhere as there is different software program out there which may do better than this product. It’s good, however not great.
I write lots of review articles so while I was at Quick Article Software, I also checked out their Review Writer Software. You will discover this software at I was very disappointed with this software. Whereas it is reasonably priced, I nonetheless find it way more than it is worth. Whereas it’s straightforward to use, the results are disappointing. It essentially creates one paragraph generic reviews. You would possibly be able to use them as an opening paragraph, but it fails in creating full evaluation articles. Even if you happen to write numerous review articles, I recommend you take a pass on this software.
I finally found what I was on the lookout for once I bought Instant Article Wizard. You get that superb piece of software for seven days for $7. If you happen to decide to keep it, which you will, it has a moderate yearly fee. You will discover this software at Instant Article Wizard is software program developed by Jonathan Leger that will help you write articles quicker by doing research and organizing it in a logical manner. Based on your keywords, Instant Article Wizard has an algorithm that extracts relevant items of research from an enormous database of more than 250,000 articles plus the total world-wide-web. It also features a random issue in the algorithm which prevents the identical analysis from being gathered for the same key phrases each time its run. The software helps you create very real humanistic type articles in just a matter of minutes. Instant Article Wizard will take a set of key phrases that you choose and assist you to determine subtopics round which you create a prime-quality article. The system generates paragraphs of content primarily based on the subjects you select. It then helps you rewrite the research using the integrated “The Best Spinner thesaurus.” It even will confirm that your article is exclusive by checking it with Copyscape and highlighting the areas of the article that Copyscape considers “duplicate.”
It used to be that most internet merchandise was of low quality. That’s not the case anymore and Instant Article Wizard is definitely a tremendous product. In case you are engaged in article marketing then you need to have this product in your toolkit.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Software Process

There are 4 basic process activities that are applicable to all software processes.
1) Software specification:
The software must define functionality of the software and constraints on its operation.
2) Software development:
The software must be developed according to its specification.
3)Software validation:
The software must perform all the function that customer wants.
4)Software evolution:
The software must develop to meet changing customer requirements.
In software process there is no such thing as a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ case. Different software processes divide these activities in different ways. The timing and result of the each activity varies as per software process. Using different processes different types of software product may be produced by an organization. However, it may possible that for particular application some processes are more suitable than others type of processes. If the wrong process is used, this will probably decreases the quality or the usefulness of the software product to be developed.
Because there are a number of different processes models are used, it is impossible to produce reliable figures for cost distribution across these activities. However, changing software usually takes up more than 60% of total software costs. This percentage is rising as more and more software is produced and has to be maintained. Designing software for change is vital.
Complex software processes involve a variety of activities. Processes have following attributes or characteristics:
1)Understandability :
To what level is the process explicitly defined and how easy is it to understand the process definition?
Does the process activity culminate in clear results so that the progress if the process is externally visible.
To what level can be process activities be supported by CASE tools
Is the process acceptable to and usable by the engineers responsible for producing the software product?
Is the process developed in such a way that process errors are avoided or trapped before they result in product errors?
6)Robustness :
Can the process carry on in spite of unexpected problems?
Can the process progress to reflect changing organizational requirements or identified process improvements?
How fast can the process of transferring a system from the given specification be completed
It is impossible to optimize all process attributes simultaneously. If a rapid development process is needed then it may be necessary to decrease the process visibility, making a process visible means producing documents at regular intervals. This will slow down the process.
There are varieties of different general models or paradigms of software development:
1) The waterfall approach:
This takes the above actions and represents them as separate process phase such as requirements specification, software design, implementation, testing and so on. After each stage is specified it is ‘signed off’ and development goes on to the following stage.
This is first explicit model of the software development process was derived from other engineering process. This was enthusiastically accepted by software project management. It offered a means of making the development process more visible. Because of cascade from one phase to another, this model is known as the ‘waterfall model’.
2) Evolutionary development:
This approach interleaves the actions of specification, development and validation. An initial system is rapidly developed from very abstract definitions. This is then defined with customer input to produce a system which satisfies the customer’s need. The system may then be transported. Alternatively, it may be re-implemented using a more planned approach to produce a more robust and maintainable system.
Evolutionary development based on the idea of designing an initial implementation, exposing this to user comment and refining these through many versions until an adequate system has been developed. Rather than have separate specification, development and validation actions, these are carried out concurrently with rapid feedback across these activities.
3) Formal transformation:
This approach is based on developing a formal mathematical system specification and transforming this specification, using mathematical methods to a program. These conversions are ‘correctness preserving’, this means that can be sure that the developed program meet its specification.
4) System assembly from reusable components:
This technique supposes that parts of the system already exist. The system development process concentrates on integrating these parts rather than developing them from scratch.
The fist two of these approaches, namely waterfall approach and evolutionary development are now widely used for practical systems development. Some systems have been built using correctness-preserving transformations but this is still an experimental process.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

NEC Kenalkan Baterai ORB, Fleksibel dan Ultra Tipis

NEC telah mengumumkan pengembangan sebuah baterai radikal organik (ORB: Organic Radical Battery) yang dikatakan dapat dicetak ke dalam papan sirkuit setipis 0.3mm. Alhasil kedepannya cocok diterapkan untuk beberapa fungsi seperti kartu kredit dan layar yang bisa ditekuk.

Untuk baterai model ini, seperti dikutip PULSAonline dari RegHardware, pihak NEC berharap bisa siap produksi pada tahun 2013. Sebagai informasi, baterai ORB ini merupakan bagian dari proyek yang sedang berlangsung di laboratorium penelitian NEC. Melihat konsepnya, tampaknya bakal cukup tipis pula untuk menjadi bagian dari kertas elektronik.

Dalam bidang persegi 3 cm dari baterai 0.3mm tercatat dapat memberikan daya 3mAh. Ini setara dengan kemampuan memperbarui tampilan layar kecil sebanyak 2.000 kali pada sekali cas, yang memiliki siklus cas mirip baterai lithium-ion.
Flexible Battery
NEC diketahui telah mengerjakan proyek ORB dalam sekian tahun, yang dimulai saat pengumuman awal pembuatan di tahun 2005. Baterai ini menarik, karena tak sekadar tipis, namun juga karena tidak membutuhkan logam berat beracun yang merupakan bahan dasar baterai untuk saat ini. ORB menggunakan reaksi garam dalam gel polimer.

Organik radikal disebutkan sebagai entitas molekul yang memiliki elektron tidak berpasangan, namun bukan jenis biasa. Menurut penelitian, subjek ini sering diamati sebagai perantara dalam reaksi petrokimia dan reaksi termal. Salah satu trik kunci dalam memanfaakan organik radikal ini untuk aplikasi seperti baterai garapan NEC yakni dengan memodifikasi organik radikal menjadi senyawa yang lebih stabil.

Penelitian lebih lanjut dari NEC menunjukkan bahwa ORB bisa mencapai kepadatan energi yang melebihi baterai konvensional berbasis logam berat. Wah, tak sabar baterai ORB ini bisa segera diproduksi dan diterapkan di perangkat-perangkat gadget. Tak terbayangkan gadget masa depan bakal makin ramping dan powerfull.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sprint sunsetting WiMax devices, updates its LTE plans

You have to feel for Sprint. Its plan for an LTE network with LightSquared went down the tubes when the FCC would not grant LightSquared the license it needs to operate. It still has a partnership with Clearwire, but the WiMAX company is struggling financially.

According to a report by Fierce Wireless, Bob Azzi, senior vice president of networks at Sprint, told attendees at the Competitive Carriers Global Expo that it plans to stop launching any additional WiMAX devices. Going forward, the carrier will only release 4G LTE devices that’ll run on its Network Vision network.

Azzi confirmed that Sprint has completed field integration tests and is deploying new multimodal equipment that’ll support LTE. The company is also in the process of re-purposing its 800Mhz spectrum, which it used for its push-to-talk IDEN service, for LTE. IDEN customers are being moved to its CDMA-based Direct Connect service instead. Sprint estimates that one-third of its IDEN sites will be shut down this year. It also expects to start selling CDMA-LTE devices by mid-year and will have 15 devices by the end of the year.